I Hated It Even More
더는 싫었다 ;No More of This
- Author(s) : Mokapanna ,
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Sep 14,2024 - 23:40 PM
- View : 1.5M
- Genres : Fantasy, Historical, Romance,
- Rating :
- Mangakakalot rate : 4.57/ 5 - 339 votes
I Hated It Even More summary:
My seventeenth summer, three months before I went into isolation. The first daughter of Marquis Renarty, the girl who was called my "sister" had returned. Everyone in the mansion loved only her, but I didn't care. However Sometimes, the self-proclaimed lesser spirit I occasionally meet tells unexpected stories, and the woman called my "sister" tries to protect me, while the Duke I contracted with in a mutual agreement claims to be at a loss. And it seems that my affectionate childhood friend and I no longer have a simple friendship.
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